
Purchasing and sales

Our purchasing and sales activities are the backbone of our company. We are constantly looking for high quality products and materials to purchase, and strive to provide the best deals for our customers. Our experienced team of buyers ensures that we select only the highest quality products for our stock.

At Truckparts BV we believe that successful purchasing and sales go hand in hand with customer satisfaction. We continue to improve our processes to ensure the best possible experience for both our suppliers and our customers.

Sell parts

At Truckparts BV we are your reliable source for truck transmission parts. We offer an extensive range of high-quality parts suitable for all truck transmission systems. Our focus is on quality, so you can hit the road with confidence.a

Repair maintenance

Our specialized team is ready for the repair and maintenance of your truck transmissions. With years of experience and expertise in this sector, we can quickly and efficiently solve problems and carry out preventive maintenance to extend the life of your transmission. At Truckparts BV we understand the critical role your transmission plays in your truck's performance, and we strive to get you back on the road safely and reliably. Trust us for high-quality service and craftsmanship.


We would love to hear from you

Do you have questions or can we help you with anything? Contact us by sending an email or calling the number below. We are ready to help you!